June 17 9:45 pm

I leave in a few hours - most spent sleeping. I can't stop pacing - I'm really bored. Suzanne called me up tonight - I forgot to call her earlier this past week. We were supposed to call and make plans to meet up. Turns out she will be near me at around the same time. May meet her and catch a ride to Amsterdam. She asked If I had contained my ticket reservations. What? Am I supposed to? So I called and sure enough, I am supposed to 72 hrs in advance - here I am calling 12hrs in advance. Whoops! I also was informed to check in 2 hrs in advance. I can’t get ahold of Dave & Pam to tell them to come early. 

Such stress. Today I played Tennis with my dad in the driveway.

I'm so bored, I should just go to bed – but Pam & Dave might call.

I just know this trip will be over before it starts. I’ve got to experience it - live each moment - treasure it.


Went over to John & Judy’s. Their TV broke! Such a dilemma. Their life comes to a standstill. So they were sitting there, smoking, drinking Dr. Pepper, radio on, staring at the TV which was not on. The look of joy on their faces when we picked up the TV to take for repairs! We have done a good deed! Damn, I am sooo fidgety.